
Sins of a solar empire rebelion mods
Sins of a solar empire rebelion mods

You should get a few research subjects and a list of the 18 capital ships in the game. Because you are not adding or removing files for this, all you need is a copy of the GameInfo folder. Go to the mod path that you found earlier (that should be a shortcut on your desktop) and create a new folder called Overpowered Advent. Making your first mod (Overpowered Advent) Have a look through some and try to figure out what is going on. When it has finished, you will have lots of entity files which you can open and read with notepad or word or something. Check that it is binary (bin) to text (TXT). Make sure you click the version box, so always Rebellion. Copy the GameInfo folder from the above place and select the in-place conversion. If you mess it up you will have to unistall and reinstall Rebellion. Create a COPY of the folder you want to convert on your desktop. It is fairly obvious what to do, but here are some tips. I use the Sins Data Converter, which is found at. All the files are still in binary though. In it are descriptions and names of every ship, structure, research subject, etc. Although they look daunting to begin with, as you progress they will become easy to read. The GameInfo folder contains entity files: text descriptions of all the stats and attributes of a particular object, such as health, armor, weapon damage, etc. You also need the MANIFEST files: entity.manifest, galaxy.manifest, brush.manifest, playerPicture.manifest, and playerThemes.manifest. To make simple mods, you only need two folders: GameInfo and String. There will be lots of confusingly named files. All the files used by vanilla Rebellion are at something like:Ĭ:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion However, if you bought Rebellion on Steam, there is another way. As these are compressed archive files, you need the right program to open them. You can find them online I found mine at this website.

sins of a solar empire rebelion mods

So to edit them (and make a mod) you need the text versions. If you try to open one on notepad, it doesn't make much sense. The files that the game uses are in binary form, which is fairly useless. The mods that you create will be folders in Mods-Rebellion v1.52. A simple option is to create a shortcut on your desktop. I recommend take a picture or writing this down until you memorise the location. It should something like this:Ĭ:\Users\Dom\Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Mods-Rebellion v1.52 Select Mods and click the Show Mod Path button. To find your mod path, go on Rebellion and then Options. If there is nothing suitable in there, the game uses the original files. The first place it looks is in your mod path. When you boot up Rebellion, the game searches for all the files it needs.

sins of a solar empire rebelion mods

4 Making your second mod (Overpowered Advent).3 Making your first mod (Overpowered Advent).

Sins of a solar empire rebelion mods